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Stan Malina

1st edition
ISBN 978-3-931819-17-0

The Church’s concern for universal Christian education was expressed through the spread of catechisms centuries ago. Nowadays, satisfying this type of need is expressed through various Bible courses and biblical curricula.
The concern for a lack of such a Bible-based curriculum led me to write this book, entitled “Rediscovering the Basics of Biblical Christianity” based on Hebrews 6:1-2, a book which can serve as either a guide or textbook in individual and group Christian growth.
The uncompromising approach to the issues presented in this book is designed to stimulate the reader to think deeply and objectively about biblical truths, and also to inspire a creative response

Stan Malina

1st edition
ISBN 978-3-931819-31-6

When dealing with this topic, one must ask oneself whether there really are no masters and servants today or whether we are perhaps dealing here – as in many other cases – with the development of language. It is true that concepts are constantly evolving, but it is also true that the actual condition of man and his place on earth does not change. Humans have existed in such conditions for hundreds or even thousands of years; it is what man has produced that has changed. The human environment has changed as a result of human activity, but the human being as such has not.

Stan Malina
2nd edition

ISBN 978-3-931819-25-5, 120 pages
Paperback: 10,-€ (+ shipment – 4,-€)

While observing himself and many other Christians, the author found that courage is something that we need very much! The Holy Spirit, who is active in us, often reveals to us our shyness, uncertainty, fears and complexes which hinder His work. How often the Holy Scriptures show us that we are to live without fear, and with courage to follow His ways!
Indeed, if our life should be filled with truth and God's freedom, then it should be led in courage. The Book of Acts shows us that a clear sign of being filled with the Holy Spirit was courage in sharing God's Word and practicing various kinds of Christian ministry.

08-Praise God
Stan Malina
2nd edition
ISBN 978-3-931819-24-8, 80 pages
Paperback: 5,- €
(+ shipment – 4,-€)

When we observe today’s Christianity, we see that a lot of misunderstanding and confusion surround the subject of adoring, praising and worshipping God. Christians fail in this area. How contemporary are the words of the prophet Isaiah which
Jesus quoted to the Pharisees: „This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far away from me. But in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men“. In these two verses we can already identify two general problems: formal worship and false worship. In addition we can mention insufficient worship, which A. W. Tozer compares to the „missing jewel in the church“.
In this book you will find the answer on the following questions: what is the ‘glory of God’?, why should we praise God?; how should we praise Him?

Not published yet
Stan Malina

THROW A STONE! - if you are without sin
(old title: "Marriage after divorce?")

For Christians who have problems with marriage, divorce and remarriage

This book is especially for Christians, who are not indifferent to life’s problems. It is recommended to such like those in Berea, who “examined the Scriptures ... to see whether these things were so” ‑ Acts 17:11.
“Marriage after divorce?” is a treatise for people, who have open minds and sensitive hearts.